At her Little Rock, Arkansas office, Dr. Suzanne Yee can reshape virtually any part of your body with liposuction. Liposuction is very safe and can improve a person’s appearance almost immediately.
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DR. SUZANNE YEE: Well liposuction really should be called liposculpture, because that’s what we’re doing. I love to do liposuction, or liposculpture because we’re sculpting the body and we’re making the body look much better immediately. More than liposuction, we can do virtually any area of the body. We can start from the neck and go all the way down to the ankles. We can do segmental liposuction. I can do liposuction of the breasts. We even do liposuction of the abdomen, the flanks, the waists, the lateral thighs, which are a trouble spot for many women. We can also do the front and the back of the thighs. We can liposuction the calves, which a lot of people don’t realize that, and the ankles. We can virtually re-sculpt the whole body with liposuction. And the procedure for liposuction is very safe now, if you go to someone that is qualified and does a lot of liposuction surgery.