Cellfina for Cellulite Reduction
With the ever changing fashions of shorter skirts and shorts, some may feel unable to keep up with the latest trends due to embarrassing dimples and dents. Call it “cottage cheese”, call it “hail damage”, call it… CELLULITE! Weight loss, age, hormones, and genetics are usually the cause of this embarrassing condition. Science is on our side when it comes to cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Until recently, most treatments have been extremely temporary and limited. At Dr. Suzanne Yee’s Cosmetic & Laser Surgery Center, we offer the newest and most improved treatment for cellulite reduction, CELLFINA.
Schedule your consultation with Dr. Yee to learn more about Cellfina® and discover whether this treatment is right for you.
Cellfina - Why It’s So Popular
What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is the fat collected under the skin on different areas of the body causing the skin to look dimpled, and may be caused by a number of health related issues. The most common are:
- Fluctuation in weight
- Aging
- Hormonal issues
- Pregnancy
- Genetics
Cellulite is the dimpling of skin caused by the degeneration of fibrous bands under the dermis. When these fibrous bands become lax, the skin begins to dip between fibers and gives the appearance of dimpling. Think about the smooth skin of an apple compared to the rough, dimpled peel of an orange. Although cellulite may be on any part of the body, the most common areas include:
- Front of thighs
- Back of thighs
- Abdomen
- Hips
- Buttocks
Why Cellfina?
Cellfina is the only FDA-cleared, non-invasive treatment for cellulite which is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of cellulite for at least two years. With Cellfina’s innovated and precise technology, only one treatment is needed. At Dr. Suzanne Yee’s Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center, Dr. Yee uses the Cellfina system to specifically target the underlying structure of the skin that causes cellulite by painlessly severing the bands in the dimpled areas.
What to Expect During the Cellfina Treatment
During your Cellfina treatment, a local anesthetic will be applied to the area being treated. One treatment of one area typically takes about 45 minutes, more than one area will require a longer appointment time. Dr. Yee will numb the area by applying a suctioning device to the body. After the area is numb, Dr. Yee will precisely use the suctioning device to cut the stretched bands that cause the dimpling under the skin. Most patients do not feel any pain or discomfort.

After the Cellfina Treatment
The most common side effects include; mild bruising, tenderness, and discomfort. There is little to no downtime with Cellfina, and side effects usually resolve in a couple of days. In clinical studies, 94% of patients treated with Cellfina had optimal satisfaction at one year.
What are the Benefits in Choosing Cellfina?
- Lasting results
- FDA-cleared
- One treatment
- Almost immediate results
- Non-invasive
- In office treatment
- Safe
- Little to no downtime
At Dr. Suzanne Yee’s Cosmetic and Laser Surgery Center, in Little Rock, Dr. Yee is committed to giving her patients the best cosmetic experience possible. During a consultation with Dr. Yee, she will advise her patients on whether they are a candidate for the Cellfina procedure.