Suzanne Yee, MD

How Long Does BOTOX Last?

Apr 22, 2023 @ 11:38 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: How Long Does Botox Last

Do you have fine lines and wrinkles that make you look older than you feel? BOTOX® Cosmetic is a fast and easy solution that can treat signs of aging around the eyes and forehead. In less than 20 minutes, Suzanne Yee, MD, can administer BOTOX at her Little Rock, AR, office.

Since BOTOX isn't a permanent solution, you may be wondering how long BOTOX lasts and how you can prolong the results of your treatment. Our doctor explores the answer to that question and more.

How Long Does Botox Last?

BOTOX Cosmetic typically lasts 3-6 months. BOTOX is made up of botulinum toxin, which smooths wrinkles by relaxing the underlying muscles. However, your body breaks down the botulinum toxin over time.

How Can I Make BOTOX Last Longer?

The results of BOTOX typically become apparent within 3-4 days after treatment with full results becoming visible two weeks after the appointment. Many patients choose to schedule touch-up treatment sessions periodically so they can continuously reap the benefits of BOTOX. Between your touch-up sessions, you can maintain your results by:

Minimizing Exposure to the Sun

Exposure to the sun leads to premature aging because the sun’s UV rays break down collagen in your skin. Sun exposure also causes an inflammatory response in your cells that can accelerate the breakdown of your BOTOX treatment. We recommend using sunscreen every morning and staying out of the sun when possible.

Following an Anti-Aging Skincare Routine

You can prolong the benefits of BOTOX by adhering to a consistent skincare routine. Applying retinol twice a week, moisturizing morning and night, and using collagen-boosting ingredients and antioxidants will smooth, plump, and protect your skin.

Making Lifestyle Changes

Stress can cause wrinkles between and around your eyes. Managing your stress levels can prevent this and lower the amount of cortisol in your body, slowing the aging process and the breakdown of BOTOX. Staying hydrated, avoiding alcohol consumption, and not smoking can also contribute to youthful-looking skin.

What Are Some Alternative Treatments to BOTOX?

While BOTOX can effectively reduce the appearance of your wrinkles for several months, patients sometimes want a more permanent solution. Dr. Suzanne Yee offers many rejuvenating alternatives to BOTOX Cosmetic, such as:

You can explore these alternative treatments and more during your consultation with Dr. Yee in Little Rock, AR.

Rejuvenate Your Appearance

If you’re ready to turn back the clock on aging, BOTOX may be just what you are looking for. Suzanne Yee, MD, in Little Rock, AR, has been offering BOTOX for over 20 years, making her an experienced choice for your procedure. To further explore the benefits of BOTOX and to ask any questions you may have, call (501) 224-1044 or contact us online today