Suzanne Yee, MD

PRP for Hair Loss

Jul 21, 2022 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: Prp Hair Loss

As a cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Suzanne Yee is committed to helping her patients address the signs of aging and restore a more youthful appearance. While many signs of aging are related to the skin, hair loss is another condition that can greatly impact how old a person looks (and how confident they feel). Unfortunately, most cosmetic surgeons do not offer treatment for hair loss.

At her cosmetic and laser surgery center, Dr. Yee is proud to offer PRP for hair loss. PRP is a simple process that increases hair growth and thickness. PRP treatment helps our Little Rock, AR, patients look younger and feel more confident about their appearance.

What Is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. PRP is a short and simple technique that encourages hair growth and increased hair thickness without surgical treatment. During a PRP procedure, blood platelets are injected directly into the scalp. The platelets contain healing growth factors that encourage the tissues to regenerate and multiply. The growth factors in the platelets can reverse the miniaturization of mature hair follicles and shock dormant hair follicles back into their growing stage. The procedure stimulates hair growth so that patients enjoy a thicker, fuller set of hair.

PRP Treatment

PRP treatment is a simple procedure that takes place in three stages. To start treatment, blood is drawn from the patient. Since PRP treatment uses the patient’s own blood there is no risk of complications involving rejection or an allergic reaction. After the blood is collected, it is placed in a centrifuge for approximately 10 minutes. The centrifuge separates platelets from other liquids in the blood. The final stage of treatment involves collecting the platelets into a syringe so they can be injected into the scalp. Injections are strategically placed to encourage hair growth where necessary. The needle used for PRP treatment is extremely thin, so most patients report feeling little to no pain during the procedure.

PRP Results

PRP is a natural treatment that targets the cause of hair loss to promote growth. While PRP can provide dramatic results, it takes time for those results to become noticeable. The hair gradually grows and thickens, and results usually start to become noticeable around two to three months post-treatment. It often takes longer, around six months, for our Little Rock patients to see the full effects of treatment.

Benefits of PRP

Many of Dr. Yee’s Little Rock patients choose PRP for hair loss because of the many benefits it provides. Some of the most notable advantages of PRP treatment include:

Contact Us

If hair loss has left you feeling self-conscious about your appearance, we invite you to learn more about PRP treatment, and whether you may be an ideal candidate for this procedure. To schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Suzanne Yee, contact our practice online or call (501) 224-1044 at your earliest convenience.