Suzanne Yee, MD

Looking For the Right Doctor

Jul 27, 2009 @ 10:18 PM — by Dr. Suzanne Yee
Tagged with: General

Hello, Deciding to enhance your appearance is an important step in your life, be it surgical or non-surgical, there are important steps you must follow when choosing a doctor.  These steps include; research on the procedure and doctor, testimonials, the doctor's education,  credintials, and relationship with the doctor. These days, you have the technological power to research anything you desire at your fingertips.  Use the Internet, medical journals, and other types of media to research the procedures that interest you most.  You also need to use these vessels to research doctors in your area.  Patient testimonials are a plus, so if you have friends or acquaintances who are willing to talk about their experiences, don't hesitate to ask questions. When you are considering a doctor, research their education, credentials, and certifications.  These are all very important when choosing a doctor.  Be sure the potential doctor is educated and skilled in the procedure you are looking into and also be sure he or she is board certified. After you have decided on a doctor, set up an appointment to discuss your desired procedure and see if you get along personality wise.  Personal connection is a huge part of patient/doctor relationships.  You will be spending much of your time with this person and you must see eye to eye on every decision.  Once you've established a good connection, you are ready to pursue the procedure.